The Blizzard Blog
So it's looking like our first good storm of the year is gonna be a real winner. Stoked!! I was looking out the front window, and I noticed this Blue Princess Holly I planted about two years ago. I've tried a few things in the spot that have all failed miserably - either due to the generally crappy soil that my builder left me with, or perhaps due to the hot light reflected down from my western facing windows. Regardless - this bombproof New England staple has really taken to the spot, even though I'm not the biggest fan of Blue Holly. It was a throw away from a CNLA Summer Field Day a few years back - abandoned in the vacated booth of a local rewholesaler. While they're a bit trite for my taste, I figured I couldn't turn down a free 5-gallon shrub. With some careful rejuvenatory pruning - I've finally gotten it growing properly. It's on track to fill the 6'x6' space that I've got alloted for it in a couple of years, and should anchor a considerable portion of my foundation garden. This vision of it covered with the light dusting of snow is my favorite thus far. Common in the Northeast or not, after seeing the snow highlighted by the spiky green margins, I'm glad I chose to throw it in my car!
Great pic and good job 'saving' the forgotten holly. It looks happy!