
Monday, April 11, 2011

Colocasia Diamond Head and Why Your Life is Incomplete Without It

While it's possible that I received the single greatest shipment of plugs ever, my gut's tellin me otherwise.  This plant is a stud.  Possibly even the Elephant Eared equivalent to Ensete.  Compared to the 6 other varieties that I've planted this season- it's way out in the lead for size, vigor, and overall appearance.  This is truly a "Sells Itself" variety.  Naturally, we're sold out.  I'm working on that.  You need this plant.  Several of them.  If you're a buyer for a garden center - you need dozens.  They're that hot. Just be prepared to forget every other dark leaved elephant ear out there, cuz it's over.  The game has changed...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Book Review!?

Yeah.  As it turns out, I read a little bit.  It's nothing that I try to make a habit of - but occasionally the mood strikes me and I allow myself to get sucked into a story.  Due to the glorious invention of Facebook, I reconnected with one of the most influential people in my Hort career - Tony Bertauski.  The guy taught me how to sprig a USGA spec green and ID Cercospera under a compound scope.  Not to mention, hooked me up with some of the best extra credit questions you'll ever hear about on a test. I was already aware of his publishing achievements in the field of academia (If you're into landscape design, click here), but was pretty astonished to learn that he'd also cranked out an entire sci-fi trilogy as well.  It starts with The Discovery of Socket Greeny.  Books 2 and 3 are The Training of Socket Greeny, and The Legend of Socket Greeny.

Seeing as how I'm a Droid guy, and the Kindle app is free - I figured I'd check it out.  Turns out, I loved it.  Tony's writing style is incredibly engaging - I basically stopped reading only to sleep and work, and even read some on my lunch breaks.  While the story is filed under Young Adult Fiction - I could also make a pretty serious argument that the original Star Wars could be too.  In other words - don't let the genre scare you off - it's epic.

I'm not going to do a full on synopsis - there's about 20 of them here on Amazon.  If you're into Sci-Fi stuff, video games, Buddhism, or even stories occasionally occurring in a futuristic Charleston, SC - then just trust me and get it.  It's badass.  Oh yeah - the Kindle edition is actually Free Right Now!  Click here to go to aforementioned free download page. The following two stories were read succinctly after finishing the first.  

Tony's a pretty avid user of Blogger as well - check out his page here.